Last October we enjoyed our second annual Rapp Nature Camp Fall Gathering (photo below). We shared a delicious meal together at Azalea Rocks with several dozen campers, camper families, and friends of Camp, provided by a PATH Foundation grant. The feeling in the clear Autumn air was one of happy community fellowship and simple celebration that our 39-year-old camp continues to thrive.
We are happy to announce dates for our perennial Campers outings! Perennial Campers are adults, ages 14 and up. Outings are designed to create fellowship in Nature and also to expand our Perennial Campers’ Nature Awareness. Guidelines are simple: “Leave pets at home, leave apps in the car, leave field guides in your pack, and keep a notebook in your pocket.” Events are free (though donations are welcome). To become a Perennial Camper and register for events, email [email protected].
#1: Friday, March 8, 4 PM at Singing Creek:
We will meet at Singing Creek for Spring exploration at 4 PM on March 8th. We will explore and have a Quiet Spot activity at the Lagoon, observe Woodcocks dancing in the meadow, and possibly enjoy star/moon gazing and some music. Participants can bring seeds or plants to swap. Register for PC#1 Here. We will keep an eye on the weather and might change the date to Saturday the 9th.
#2: Friday, April 26, at 3 PM at Aylor Hollow:
We will meet at Carolyn Smith’s property, Aylor Hollow in Madison, at 3 PM on Friday April 26 to delight in her Spring native wildflowers. The property includes riparian plantings, a pond, and creek. This property has been in Carolyn’s family for a long time and has been tended with ecological stewardship in mind. Rain or shine.
#3: Friday, May 10, 3 PM Along the Hazel River:
We will meet near the Hazel River Trail at 3 PM. We will explore a neighbor’s private property where an abundance of Manahoac artifacts dating back thousands of years have been found. Then we will head up Hungry Horse Lane to another friend’s private property for a look at his native plantings and have a quiet time on a beautiful Boardwalk along the Hazel River.
We will keep an eye on the weather and might change the date to Saturday the 11th.
Fridays, June 14, 21, 28, and July 5, 1 PM at Singing Creek: Open Houses concluding each summer Camp session. It’s always nice to have encouraging adults there to appreciate our campers’ projects, stories, and music. Email if you’d like to attend an Open House.
Monday, October 14 at Singing Creek: Save the date for our third annual Fall Gathering! We will get together in the afternoon to share a meal, explore, enjoy music together, and reflect on Summer Nature Camp. Details TBA
For more information on Summer Day Camp, please visit here.
2022 Fall gathering photo credit: Kaye Kohler